27 research outputs found

    Methods and tools for the integration of formal verification in domain-specific languages

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    Domain specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) are increasingly used at the early phases in the development of complex systems, in particular, for safety critical systems. The goal is to be able to reason early in the development on these models and, in particular, to fulfill verification and validation activities (V and V). A widely used technique is the exhaustive behavioral model verification using model-checking by providing a translational semantics to build a formal model from DSML conforming models in order to reuse powerful tools available for this formal domain. Defining a translational semantics, expressing formal properties to be assessed and analysing such verification results require such an expertise in formal methods that it restricts their adoption and may discourage the designers. It is thus necessary to build for each DSML, a toolchain which hides formal aspects for DSML end-users. The goal of this thesis consists in easing the development of such verification toolchains. Our contribution includes 1) expressing behavioral properties in the DSML level by relying on TOCL (Temporal Object Constraint Language), a temporal extension of OCL; 2) An automated transformation of these properties on formal properties while reusing the key elements of the translational semantics; 3) the feedback of verification results thanks to a higher-order transformation and a language which defines mappings between DSML and formal levels; 4) the associated process implementation. Our approach was validated by the experimentation on a subset of the development process modeling language SPEM, and on Ladder Diagram language used to specify programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and by the integration of a formal intermediate language (FIACRE) in the verification toolchain. This last point allows to reduce the semantic gap between DSMLs and formal domains

    A transformation-driven approach to automate feedback verification results

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    International audienceThe integration of formal verification methods in modeling activities is a key issue to ensure the correctness of complex system design models. In this purpose, the most common approach consists in defining a translational semantics mapping the abstract syntax of the designer dedicated Domain-Specific Modeling Language (DSML) to a formal verification dedicated semantic domain in order to reuse the available powerful verification technologies. Formal verification is thus usually achieved using model transformations. However, the verification results are available in the formal domain which significantly impairs their use by the system designer which is usually not an expert of the formal technologies. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach based on Higher-Order transformations that analyze and instrument the transformation that expresses the semantics in order to produce traceability data to automatize the back propagation of verification results to the DSML end-user

    Methods and tools for the integration of formal verification in domain-specific languages

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    Les langages dédiés de modélisation (DSMLs) sont de plus en plus utilisés dans les phases amont du développement des systèmes complexes, en particulier pour les systèmes critiques embarqués. L’objectif est de pouvoir raisonner très tôt dans le développement sur ces modèles et, notamment, de conduire des activités de vérification et validation (V and V). Une technique très utilisée est la vérification des modèles comportementaux par exploration exhaustive (model-checking) en utilisant une sémantique de traduction pour construire un modèle formel à partir des modèles métiers pour réutiliser les outils performants disponibles pour les modèles formels. Définir cette sémantique de traduction, exprimer les propriétés formelles à vérifier et analyser les résultats nécessite une expertise dans les méthodes formelles qui freine leur adoption et peut rebuter les concepteurs. Il est donc nécessaire de construire pour chaque DSML, une chaîne d’outils qui masque les aspects formels aux utilisateurs. L’objectif de cette thèse est de faciliter le développement de telles chaînes de vérification. Notre contribution inclut 1) l’expression des propriétés comportementales au niveau métier en s’appuyant sur TOCL (Temporal Object Constraint Language), une extension temporelle du langage OCL; 2) la transformation automatique de ces propriétés en propriétés formelles en réutilisant les éléments clés de la sémantique de traduction; 3) la remontée des résultats de vérification grâce à une transformation d’ordre supérieur et un langage de description de correspondance entre le domaine métier et le domaine formel et 4) le processus associé de mise en oeuvre. Notre approche a été validée par l’expérimentation sur un sous-ensemble du langage de modélisation de processus de développement SPEM, et sur le langage de commande d’automates programmables Ladder Diagram, ainsi que par l’intégration d’un langage formel intermédiaire (FIACRE) dans la chaîne outillée de vérification. Ce dernier point permet de réduire l’écart sémantique entre les DSMLs et les domaines formels. ABSTRACT : Domain specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) are increasingly used at the early phases in the development of complex systems, in particular, for safety critical systems. The goal is to be able to reason early in the development on these models and, in particular, to fulfill verification and validation activities (V and V). A widely used technique is the exhaustive behavioral model verification using model-checking by providing a translational semantics to build a formal model from DSML conforming models in order to reuse powerful tools available for this formal domain. Defining a translational semantics, expressing formal properties to be assessed and analysing such verification results require such an expertise in formal methods that it restricts their adoption and may discourage the designers. It is thus necessary to build for each DSML, a toolchain which hides formal aspects for DSML end-users. The goal of this thesis consists in easing the development of such verification toolchains. Our contribution includes 1) expressing behavioral properties in the DSML level by relying on TOCL (Temporal Object Constraint Language), a temporal extension of OCL; 2) An automated transformation of these properties on formal properties while reusing the key elements of the translational semantics; 3) the feedback of verification results thanks to a higher-order transformation and a language which defines mappings between DSML and formal levels; 4) the associated process implementation. Our approach was validated by the experimentation on a subset of the development process modeling language SPEM, and on Ladder Diagram language used to specify programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and by the integration of a formal intermediate language (FIACRE) in the verification toolchain. This last point allows to reduce the semantic gap between DSMLs and formal domains

    Leveraging formal verification tools for DSML users: a process modeling case study

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    15 pagesIn the last decade, Model Driven Engineering (MDE) has been used to improve the development of safety critical systems by providing early Validation and Verification (V&V) tools for Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML). Verification of behavioral models is mainly addressed by translating domain specific models to formal verification dedicated languages in order to use the sophisticated associated tools such as model-checkers. This approach has been successfully applied in many different contexts, but it has a major draw- back: the user has to interact with the formal tools. In this paper, we present an illustrated approach that allows the designer to formally express the expected behavioral properties using a user oriented language -- a temporal extension of OCL --, that is automatically translated into the formal language; and then to get feedback from the assessment of these properties using its domain language without having to deal with the formal verification language nor with the under- lying translational semantics. This work is based on the metamodeling pattern for executable DSML that extends the DSML metamodel to integrate concerns related to execution and behavior

    Teaching MDE through the Formal Verification of Process Models

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    International audienceModel Driven Engineering (MDE) and formal methods (FM) play a key role in the development of Safety Critical Systems (SCS). They promote user oriented abstraction and formal specification using Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML), early Validation and formal Verification (V&V) using efficient dedicated technologies and Automatic Code and Documentation Generation. Their combined use allow to improve system qualities and reduce development costs. However, in most computer science curriculae, both domains are usually taught independently. MDE is associated to practical software engineering and FM to theoretical computer science. This contribution relates a course about MDE for SCS development that bridges the gap between these domains. It describes the content of the course and provides the lessons learned from its teaching. It focuses on early formal verification using model checking of a DSML for development process modeling. MDE technologies are illustrated both on language engineering for CASE tool development and on development process modeling. The case study also highlights the unification power of MDE as it does not target traditional executable software

    A Model-Driven Tool Chain for OCCI

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    International audienceOpen Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) is the only open standard for managing any kinds of cloud resources, e.g., Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a Service. However, no model-driven tooling exists to assist OCCI users in designing, editing, validating, generating, and managing OCCI artifacts (i.e., extensions that represent specific application domains and configurations that define the running systems). In this paper, we propose the first model-driven tool chain for OCCI called OCCIware Studio. This tool chain is based on a metamodel defining the static semantics for the OCCI standard in Ecore and OCL. OCCIware Studio provides OCCI users facilities for designing, editing, validating, generating, and managing OCCI artifacts. We detail the tooled process to define an OCCI extension. In addition, we show how the cloud user can leverage the generated tooling for this extension to create his own OCCI configurations and manage them in the cloud.We illustrate our paper with the OCCI infrastructure extension proposed to define OCCI-compliant compute, network, and storageresources

    Specifying Semantic Interoperability between Heterogeneous Cloud Resources with the FCLOUDS Formal Language

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    International audienceWith the advent of cloud computing, different cloud providers with heterogeneous services and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have emerged. Hence, building an interop-erable multi-cloud system becomes a complex task. Our idea is to design FCLOUDS framework to achieve semantic interoperability in multi-clouds, i.e., to identify the common concepts between cloud APIs and to reason over them. In this paper, we propose to take advantage of the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) standard and the Alloy formal specification language to define the FCLOUDS language, which is a formal language for specifying heterogeneous cloud APIs. To do so, we formalize OCCI concepts and operational semantics, then we identify and validate five properties (consistency, sequentiality, reversibility, idempotence and safety) that denote their characteristics. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our cloud formal language, we present thirteen case studies where we formally specify infrastructure, platform, Internet of Things (IoT) and transverse cloud concerns. Thanks to the Alloy analyzer, we verify that these heterogeneous APIs uphold the properties of FCLOUDS and also validate their own specific properties. Then, thanks to formal transformation rules and equivalence properties, we draw a precise alignment between our case studies, which promotes semantic interoperability in a multi-cloud system

    A Precise Model for Google Cloud Platform

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    International audienceToday, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is one of the leaders among cloud APIs. Although it was established only five years ago, GCP has gained notable expansion due to its suite of public cloud services that it based on a huge, solid infrastructure. GCP allows developers to use these services by accessing GCP RESTful API that is described through HTML pages on its website. However, the documentation of GCP API is written in natural language (English prose) and therefore shows several drawbacks, such as Informal Heterogeneous Documentation, Imprecise Types, Implicit Attribute Metadata, Hidden Links, Redundancy and Lack of Visual Support. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, the cloud developers obviously need a precise specification of the knowledge and activities in GCP. Therefore, this paper introduces GCP MODEL, an inferred formal model-driven specification of GCP which describes without ambiguity the resources offered by GCP. GCP MODEL is conform to the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) metamodel and is implemented based on the open source model-driven Eclipse-based OCCIWARE tool chain. Thanks to our GCP MODEL, we offer corrections to the drawbacks we identified

    Coordinating Vertical Elasticity of both Containers and Virtual Machines

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    International audienceElasticity is a key feature in cloud computing as it enables the automatic and timely provisioning and depro- visioning of computing resources. To achieve elasticity, clouds rely on virtualization techniques including Virtual Machines (VMs) and containers. While many studies address the vertical elasticity of VMs and other few works handle vertical elasticity of containers, no work manages the coordination between these two ver- tical elasticities. In this paper, we present the first approach to coordinate vertical elasticity of both VMs and containers. We propose an auto-scaling technique that allows containerized applications to adjust their resources at both container and VM levels. This work has been evaluated and validated using the RUBiS benchmark application. The results show that our approach reacts quickly and improves application perfor- mance. Our coordinated elastic controller outperforms container vertical elasticity controller by 18.34% and VM vertical elasticity controller by 70%. It also outperforms container horizontal elasticity by 39.6%

    Model-Driven Configuration Management of Cloud Applications with OCCI

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    International audienceTo tackle the cloud-provider lock-in, the Open Grid Forum (OGF) is developing the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI), a standardized interface for managing any kind of cloud resources. Besides the OCCI Core model, which defines the basic modeling elements for cloud resources, the OGF also defines extensions that reflect the requirements of different cloud service levels, such as IaaS and PaaS. However, so far the OCCI PaaS extension is very coarse grained and lacks of supporting use cases and implementations. Especially, it does not define how the components of the application itself can be managed. In this paper, we present a model-driven framework that extends the OCCI PaaS extension and is able to use different configuration management tools to manage the whole lifecycle of cloud applications. We demonstrate the feasibility of the approach by presenting four different use cases and prototypical implementations for three different configuration management tools